Happy Holidays to all of our loved ones! Many of you have caught wind that the McGregor's are on the move from coast to coast again! It's been an amazing year for us here in the beautiful Queen City, Charlotte has quickly stolen our hearts, I’ve been blessed to work alongside some of the most incredible doulas, and serve over THIRTY (and counting) beautiful families this year. I’ve truly been able to “bloomed where I was planted” as The Rosewater Doula. Unfortunately, it's been harder than anticipated to stay away from the 150 days of rain in Seattle, oh--and my mom. Being able to "plant our roots" became a priority faster than we had anticipated and we couldn't stop thinking about home. I grew up an hour south of Seattle and the majority of my family still resides in Washington State.
My husband recently accepted a job with Amazon in their Risk Manager department! It will be quite the advantageous opportunity for him. We are looking forward to the new position, David is excited to continue to learn and grow as an Amazonian! So keep ordering your holiday gifts from Prime, because either way--it's inevitable, they will eventually take over the world.
Interestingly, the first birth I ever attended was actually 7 years ago at the Naval Hospital in Bremerton (one of the hospitals I will be serving in my new area) ! It was during a period of time when my older sister and her husband were stationed there. It was there in that hospital that my love for birth was born and I knew that someday I wanted to be a "birth-worker" of sorts, at the time I didn't even know what a doula was!
This journey will be a complete 360, (not just my area code, *haha*)—but a full circle from where I started.
I plan to continue doula work in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! I am excited to learn and work along side new many doulas and new providers. I will be serving all of Kitsap county, including the homebirths, Salmon Berry Birth Center, Harrison hospital, and of course the Naval Hospital.
To make this a true holiday news letter I should probably add some information about the other members of our little family.
Baby Mac is doing well--She is THREE and has been learning so much at her preschool, she loves to sing and dance, as soon as she thinks she knows all of the words to a song she says "I FINALLY got it!" (as if it took her weeks to learn it) and is obsessed with babies and of course, dinosaurs. When she grows up she wants to help dinosaurs "deliver" their babies someday...
Bonney-Jean is four now and is taking a life sabbatical to live with her Grammie and Papo in Utah, she is having a great time learning about how to be a better dog, and not pee on the carpet. Traveling has opened her eyes to a new way of life, and she truly considers herself a "mammal-malist", living off of the food that kind hands offer her and the Christmas sweater on her back.
I will get back to posting regularly, and posting my featured doulas! If you are one of my featured doulas anticipating your post date, stay tuned! I apologize for the crazy days that have thrown off my original plans!

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